Privacy Policy

Last updated: 5 April 2022

This Privacy Policy outlines how I collect and use your data while you are on this website.

Data collected

I do not want to collect your personal data. However, in this age of surveillance capitalism, internet services make doing so difficult to avoid.

  1. This website is hosted on GitHub Pages, which may log your IP address and other information for security purposes.
  2. This website is served around the world through the Cloudflare content delivery network. Cloudflare may log your IP address and other information for maintenance and security purposes.
    • I do not (and cannot) access this data.
    • I can, and occasionally do, access aggregate metrics about this website using Cloudflare’s analytics tool.
    • Cloudflare is GDPR-compliant. For more details, see their Privacy Policy.

How I use your data

To perform simple analytics

I use Cloudflare’s web analytics tool to understand the audience of this website, e.g., how are people discovering this website? Where are they from?

I do not wish to track you, or even collect data that allows me to track you. Thus the choice of Cloudflare: unlike other web analytics tools, Cloudflare does not download cookies or other files to your devices, and gives me access only to aggregated metrics. Indeed, this website uses no cookies or trackers or any sort.

When you click on links on this website, you may be directed to a third-party website or application, at which point this Policy no longer applies.

Changes to this Policy

I may modify this Privacy Policy at any time, without prior notice. This is most likely to happen if I set up a mailing list of some sort. Changes to this Privacy Policy take effect immediately upon their posting on this page.

Contact us

For issues / questions / clarifications, please send an email to antheachua [at] gmail [dot] com.